Commentary Search

  • Assistance fund calmed family's storm

    I don't know what I hate more: asking to borrow money, or being in a situation where I have to. In instances where I've had to borrow, it's always been the last resort. I do my best to save for things I want and put aside for emergencies, but I found out the hard way what so many people already told

  • Saluting: A courteous exchange of greetings

    Being the proud mother I am, I tell everyone my son is a second lieutenant. Usually, officers respond with, "What's that like having to salute your son?" and enlisted members ask, "Chief, do you HAVE to salute your son?" Hmmm, since the salute is steeped in military customs and courtesy, and is

  • Unauthorized software a threat to network security

    Software exploits take advantage of bugs or vulnerabilities in software and use them to cause unintended behavior on computer systems.Most exploits are used to gain control of a system or to attack it using a denial of service. Vulnerabilities and bugs arise due to the human factors' element in

  • Air Force pioneer gone, but not forgotten

    The Air Force suffered a monumental loss March 11 when Paul W. Airey, first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, passed away. I think it appropriate to share with you my thoughts on this great American and Airman. I will greatly miss my mentor, CMSAF Airey. From the day I first met him in 2002, I

  • Don't take the bait!

    If you received an email that told you, they will take all your money if you click on their web link, would you do it. Of course not!So why do so many people get their identification stolen and lose all their savings? One way is through "phishing," a variation on "fishing." The idea being that bait

  • Protecting the Network

    In this day and age, war readiness is at the forefront of everything we do as members of the armed forces. We stay mentally and physically prepared through training that enhances our skill as war fighters in the event that we will be called to deploy and serve in austere locations. We check our

  • Spangdahlem lt shares first-time marathon experience

    The first time I saw the Mediterranean Sea, I had been running for about 20 miles. I laboriously climbed a small hill and just over the peak of cement I could see palm trees dotting the vast carpet of sand and the slate gray sky blanketing the waves. I couldn't help but smile even though my quads

  • Personal accountability begins with you

    The other day I was looking on my previous base's Web site and I read a story about an Air Force master sergeant who pled guilty and was court-martialed for driving under the influence. Evidently, this individual thought it was a good idea to drink an entire 12-pack of beer and then get behind the

  • AGE streamlines using AFSO 21

    What is the first thought that comes to mind, that first emotion you feel when you hear the words, Air Force Smart Operations 21 or AFSO 21? Is it pain, agony, despair? Do you think "what a complete waste of time?" I thought and felt all of those things when I heard those words. As a 20-year master