As the air component for both U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, USAFE-AFAFRICA executes the Air Component missions with forward-based airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations. USAFE-AFAFRICA directs air operations in a theater spanning three continents, covering more than 19 million square miles, and containing 104 independent states.
MISSION: Defend vital U.S. interests, deter aggression, and deepen relationships with Allies and partners by projecting combat-ready airpower in Europe and Africa.
VISION: Europe & Africa's airpower partner of choice - forward, agile, ready.
People: Invest in Airmen & Families
Partners: Interoperability with Allies & Partners - Shape Joint & Multi-Domain Integration - Advance African Air Forces' Capabilities
Posture: Strengthen Africa Force Protection - Assess & Refine Component MAJCOM Warfighting HQ - Modernize Communication Infrastructure & Architecture
Readiness: Advance Agile Combat Employment - Further Integrated Air and Missile Defense - Grow Counter Integrated Air Defense System Capabilities - Guarantee Strategic Deterrent
AREA OF OPERATIONS: USAFE - AFAFRICA area of operations span 104 nations; 8 wings based in Europe; 83 geographically separated units and maintains administrative control over the U.S. Airmen assigned to the Heavy Airlift Wing, Papa AB, Hungary. While USAFE-AFAFRICA has no forces permanently based in Africa, Airmen provide expeditionary base support, force protection, construction and resupply operations in austere locations.