As the air component for both U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, USAFE-AFAFRICA executes the Air Component missions with forward-based airpower and infrastructure to conduct and enable theater and global operations. USAFE-AFAFRICA directs air operations in a theater spanning three continents, covering more than 19 million square miles, and containing 104 independent states.

MISSION: Defend vital U.S. interests, deter aggression, and deepen relationships with Allies and partners by projecting combat-ready airpower in Europe and Africa.

VISION: Europe & Africa's airpower partner of choice - forward, agile, ready.


People: Invest in Airmen & Families

Partners: Interoperability with Allies & Partners - Shape Joint & Multi-Domain Integration - Advance African Air Forces' Capabilities

PostureStrengthen Africa Force Protection - Assess & Refine Component MAJCOM Warfighting HQ - Modernize Communication Infrastructure & Architecture 

ReadinessAdvance Agile Combat Employment - Further Integrated Air and Missile Defense - Grow Counter Integrated Air Defense System Capabilities - Guarantee Strategic Deterrent


AREA OF OPERATIONS: USAFE - AFAFRICA area of operations span 104 nations; 8 wings based in Europe; 83 geographically separated units and maintains administrative control over the U.S. Airmen assigned to the Heavy Airlift Wing, Papa AB, Hungary. While USAFE-AFAFRICA has no forces permanently based in Africa, Airmen provide expeditionary base support, force protection, construction and resupply operations in austere locations.

Third Air Force Leadership

3 AF Mission

3rd Air Force Emblem

Third Air Force is USAFE-AFAFRICA's component numbered air force for EUCOM and AFRICOM. For more information, click here.


The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band is comprised of 45 active duty Air Force musicians committed to fortifying international relationships, enhancing troop morale and fostering trust and friendship among the military, governmental and civilian populations within the European and African theatres. Through numerous international radio and television broadcasts and over 300 annual live performances, the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band brings America's musical heritage and Air Force excellence to millions across the continent.

USAFE-United Kingdom


U.S. Air Forces in Europe- United Kingdom (USAFE-UK), a forward detachment of USAFE-AFAFRICA, is headquartered at RAF Mildenhall, England.

USAFE-UK serves as the designated U.S. country representative for U.S. European Command and USAFE-AFAFRICA, providing primary military liaison to His Majesty's government for all U.S. Visiting Forces. Its staff facilitates effective relationships with host nation representatives through ongoing dialogue and integration in international relations, international law, airspace operations, logistics and public affairs mission sets. The organization further serves as the focal point for overseas negotiations with His Majesty's government on a wide range of issues.



Combatant Commands

EUCOM Emblem
U.S. European Command
U.S. Africa Command