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Tag: Croughton
  • 501 CSW firefighters become certified EMT responders

    Firefighters across the 501st Combat Support Wing trained to become certified emergency medical technicians during a six-week course at RAF Croughton, England.
  • Pathfinder medical technician discovers safer COVID-19 swab technique

    A medical technician at RAF Croughton discovered a COVID-19 testing technique that needed to be changed, so he elevated the concern and impacted testing procedures across the entire Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Air Force medics bring Army Special Forces background to 501st

    A setup of two separate medical clinics under one wing – the 501st Combat Support Wing – is a unique aspect to an already unique mission. But even more unique are the two commanders who lead them and the similar backgrounds they share. Lt. Col. Elizabeth Hoettels, commander of the 423rd Medical Squadron, and Lt. Col. Robert Heil, commander of the 422nd Medical Squadron, are both prior Army soldiers, both came from a Special Forces background, and both are now serving squadron command tours at the 501 CSW. The chances seem quite unlikely.
  • Squadron of the Future: Creating more effective defenders

    RAF Croughton is at the forefront of innovation, creating the most effective defenders in the Air Force.