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  • First C-17 Withdrawal Flight Departs from Niger

    This flight exemplifies the productive cooperation between the U.S. and Nigerien forces through the Joint Disengagement Commission, which is tasked with overseeing and coordinating the orderly and safe withdrawal of U.S. forces from Niger.

  • Two generations, one mission

    As Tyler navigates his military career and has aspirations of one day following in his fathers footsteps of becoming an aviator, his father appreciates the time he’s gotten to spend leading his team and son during what will be his last of seven deployments.

  • Airmen in Niger resilient amid extended deployments

    Amid ongoing discussions between U.S. and Nigerien officials on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Niger, approximately 900 U.S. military members and civilian employees remain ready at Air Bases 101 and 201 in Niamey and Agadez, respectively, to facilitate the bases’ orderly withdrawal.

  • Deployed Christmas: What the Grinch can’t steal

    It’s no secret that deployment can bring many challenges, no matter someone’s job position, family status or experience. There is often an added level of stress for service members deployed during the holidays, and for those deployed to Air Base 201, this is especially true due to their austere