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  • CCATT supports critical care patients

    The 86th Medical Squadron Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT), a Landstuhl Regional Medical Center capability, employs innovative equipment and specialized training to support critically injured or ill patients.

  • Stuck in a goal: Starting & continuing ambitions

    As I tediously sit in my home after having second breakfast, watching three back-to-back movie marathons and admiring my stubbly telework beard, I realize these are things I used to get excited about before the coronavirus disease 2019 restrictions were implemented.

  • Braving the fire: Airman overcomes difficult childhood, finds joy

    Throughout her life, Airman 1st Class Kayla Jerido, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron fire apprentice, has been described as the positive type, exhibiting a great energy for life. However, those who have heard the energetic 27-year-old’s journey are often taken by surprise.

  • USAFE supports Italy COVID-19 response

    An 86th Airlift Wing C-130J Super Hercules aircraft flew medical supplies to Aviano Air Base, Italy, March, 20, 2020, in an effort to provide medical support to Italy amid the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic.

  • German community vows to remember

    Jan. 27 is observed as a day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism, where 6 million European-Jews were murdered from 1941-1945. Throughout the KMC, residents and tourists can "stumble" across memorials to honor victims year around.

  • Gen. Jeff Harrigian visits Patriot Missile Battery

    Gen. Jeff Harrigian, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, discusses the Patriot Missile System with Soldiers from the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Baumholder, Germany, at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Nov. 6, 2019. Soldiers from the 5-7 ADA are completing

  • Landing Zone Safety Officer course

    The 435th Contingency Response Group hosted a 10-day Landing Zone Safety Officer course that included in class and field training May 20-31, 2019 on Ramstein Air Base. The LZSO course trains specific career fields to conduct aircraft operations and construct landing zones in challenging locations.