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  • Normandy locals welcome Ramstein Airmen for family dinner

    Every year the streets of the small towns along the coast of Normandy are lined with banners and posters, flags are strung across the streets, and windows are painted with parachutists and C-47 aircraft in honor of D-Day. The locals of Normandy excitedly celebrate through the streets and at events,

  • D-Day 75: US forces in UK support airborne operation

    The 352nd Special Operations Wing and the Special Operations Command in Europe parachute-jumped into Normandy, June 9, 2019, in commemoration of the 75th D-Day anniversary, to honor the airborne operation conducted by Allied forces and the Battle for La Fiere Bridgehead, near Sainte-Mère-Église,

  • 435th CTS restores WWII memorial in France

    Airmen assigned to the 435th Construction Training Squadron applied their skills to restore a WWII memorial, April 30.The memorial is home to an engine that belonged to an aircraft shot down by enemy forces during D-Day. After years of weathering, the case surrounding the engine lost its clarity and