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  • Year of the Pathfinder: British wounded warrior ascends the Matterhorn

    A veteran British Army infantry commander, ascended one of the tallest and most dangerous mountains in Switzerland, Aug. 6, 2020, in 4.16 hours, with a total duration of 9.16 hours. Ray Hoogendijk, 423rd Force Support Squadron Outdoor Recreation director at RAF Molesworth, England, joined six other

  • PTSD Awareness leads to positive treatment

    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder can be debilitating in some patients, but thanks to advancements in research and the continued training of mental health providers, treatments are getting better all the time.Maj. Joel Foster, Chief of Air Force Deployment Mental Health, said treating PTSD has improved

  • Coping with stress through healthy thinking

    Stress. Even mention of the word can increase anxiety for some. Everyone deals with stress differently, but how you cope with daily stressors can have great impacts on your quality of life and overall health.Stress is actually the body’s response to any demand, including change. According to the

  • Air Force increases access to behavioral health care

    Nearly half of people with a treatable behavioral health disorder do not seek help from behavioral health professionals, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. However, 80 percent of this population does visit a primary care manager at least once a year. The Air Force