U.S. Air Force bombers conduct global BTF mission

  • Published
  • U.S. Strategic Command Public Affairs

U.S. Air Force bombers, operating from the United States and forward-deployed bases, conducted a global Bomber Task Force mission today while integrating with allies and partners aircraft in Europe, the Indo-Pacific region, and North America. The BTF mission was conducted in multiple combatant command areas of responsibility.


This mission demonstrates the Department of Defense’s ability to command and control its bomber forces for any assigned mission anywhere in the world at any time in support of the U.S. National Defense Strategy. The U.S. routinely and visibly demonstrates commitment to our allies and partners through the global employment of our military forces.


“The speed, flexibility, and readiness of our strategic bombers play a critical role in our ability to deter potential adversaries and signal our unwavering support to our allies and partners,” said Adm. Charles “Chas” Richard, U.S. Strategic Command commander. “Missions like this provide invaluable training opportunities with our allies and partners to improve our interoperability and demonstrate that our forces are capable of operating anywhere, anytime, to meet any challenge decisively.”


The bombers executed the mission, planned well in advance, without incident, and conducted valuable integration and interoperability training with ally and partner air forces. Planning and executing integrated global training events like this underscores that U.S. allies and partners possess unity of purpose and the credible military capability to preserve peace.


For more information, contact the USSTRATCOM Public Affairs Office at 402-912-0020 or USSTRATCOMPA@mail.mil or visit www.stratcom.mil.