RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- United States Air Forces in Europe released an accident investigation board report today regarding a C-130J Super Hercules mishap, which occurred April 23, 2020.
There were no fatalities, significant injuries or damage to civilian property. The estimated damages to the aircraft are approximately $21 million.
The mishap occurred during the landing of a crew member’s routine periodic evaluation flight at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
The AIB found, by a preponderance of evidence, that the cause of the mishap was the pilot’s early engine power reduction, beginning at 70 feet above ground level (AGL) and fully idle at 45 feet AGL. The failure, by both pilots, to identify the excessive sink rate and failure to arrest the excessive sink rate or go-around in a timely manner were substantially contributing factors to the mishap. As a result, the mishap aircraft exceeded the C-130J g-load and sink rate landing limits.
The Air Force is constantly evaluating its procedures with regard to safety, and the 37th Airlift Squadron has incorporated these findings into their training and procedures in order to enhance flight safety.
For more information, call +49 6371-47-6558 or e-mail usafepao.pao@us.af.mil.