Commentary Search

  • The power of communication

    The name of the English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton might not be familiar to many people, but they may know his famous quote, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”My objective in this article is not to convince the reader that words win over swords, but to illustrate the ability communication has to

  • Navigating the path to being forged in the crucible of anxiety

    With less than a week of notice, I was recently assigned a temporary duty to march in the Bastille Day military parade in Paris, France, one of the largest and highest profile military parades in the world. The Bastille Day parade included more than 7,000 military personnel and is the oldest

  • Navigating the path to being forged in the crucible of anxiety

    With less than a week of notice, I was recently assigned a temporary duty to march in the Bastille Day military parade in Paris, France, one of the largest and highest profile military parades in the world. The Bastille Day parade included more than 7,000 military personnel and is the oldest