Make the right call

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Dana J. Butler
  • 48th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
It baffles me how people come to the conclusion that drinking and driving is in any way acceptable -- ever!

Whether they feel like the rules don't apply to them, they won't get caught or they're "fine" to drive, I just don't understand why anybody would take that risk.

The risk to put their own life and everybody else in danger is a selfish decision --especially when there are other options.

I have volunteered for Airmen Against Drunk Driving several times, and I was shocked that the phone wasn't ringing more.

AADD is a service that provides safe transportation home.

Why wouldn't people want to take advantage of this free service? The service is there to be used.

An abundant of excuses are being made, but not a lot of calls are being placed.
I think some people feel there's a stigma attached to calling, or they're embarrassed to ask for a ride home because other plans fell through.

Some people may even have too much pride and feel that calling AADD is like taking charity.

They might not call out of fear that the person picking them up might be higher ranking or even a part of wing leadership.

Regardless of if it is a chief, lieutenant colonel or the vice commander that picks you up, there should be no fear -- they volunteer their time because they want to keep fellow Airmen from breaking the law or hurting themselves or others.

The program is designed so that whoever calls will not face repercussions, and no one is going to look down on you for making the right call.

However, I can guarantee there is more grief and embarrassment that comes along with potential criminal charges or the vehicular manslaughter you could be involved in.

Everyone needs a backup plan, and AADD should be in the back of everyone's mind.

When I volunteer for AADD, I want people to call so I can help. I don't want to sit around all night only to find out that there was an accident, which could have been prevented if only they had made a better decision and used the resources that are available.

I am proud to say that I have called AADD to give me a ride home on two occasions. It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.

I would rather make a call to AADD than have my leadership receive a call saying I'm in jail -- or even worse.

So, make the right call.