I think I'll rock a pink T-shirt Published June 26, 2007 By Master Sgt. Sarah R.W. Frankenhoff 100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs RAF MILDENHALL, England -- Lately it has really been eating at me when I hear people talking about their PT scores. It's as if they're under the impression fitness isn't as important as the other areas of being in the Air Force. It makes me want to tell them to wake up and realize it's no different than any other aspect of being an Airman. And, it's one circumstance where I totally think the "whole person" concept applies. Let me start by saying, I'm an observer - and a listener. Now I'm not saying I eavesdrop or anything, but when I hear people say things like, "Oh, I got a 75, or oh, I got an 80 and that's passing so that's all I need," or "I've only got to run a 13 something to pass," I think it sounds really weak. It's no different than someone saying, "I only have to score a 70 on my SKT (Skill Knowledge Test) to make rank this year." Whenever anyone asks what I need to get on a WAPS (Weighted Airmen Promotion System) test, my answer is always the same - I study to get the highest possible score. So picture this, I'm in the testing room, and I put down my pencil to hand in my test. The testing proctor says, "Wow that was super fast, you're already done?" And I say, "Yep, I only needed a 60. I know I've got enough answers right, so I don't have to bother with the rest of the questions." Now how stupid does that sound? I have a feeling that it probably sounds as dumb to you as it sounds to me when someone says they only have to run their mile and a half in 13 or 15 minutes. What happened to doing the best that you possibly can? What happened to pushing as hard as your body will let you? Here's another example: I think tomorrow I'm going to rock a pink T-shirt with my BDUs. Why not? I've got the rest of the uniform on; that should be good enough, right? If others can pick and choose what makes up a well-rounded Airman, then why can't I? I happen to really like pink. And although that's a bit of an exaggeration, the point is the same -- It's all about standards.