Make a difference by donating to CFC-O Published Oct. 8, 2009 By Brig. Gen. Mark C. Dillon 86th Airlift Wing commander RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- Many of you are familiar with the Winston Churchill quote, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." For our servicemembers and their families that give of themselves in service to our great nation - this couldn't be more true. Every day we serve, we give freedom and liberty to millions. Many would say by serving this great nation we've already given enough. But traditionally we give even more. And one way we give more is through the Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas. This year's CFC-Overseas campaign theme is "Make a difference." And what a difference you can make. This year's CFC gives you the ability to donate to more than 2,000 participating local, national and international charities that support a variety of significant causes. These are organizations that can truly make a difference in the lives of untold thousands. Last year was another fantastic giving year. Our KMC personnel contributed a total of $800,000 to organizations and charities here in the region and throughout the world. One of the top five priorities of our great Air Force is to take care of our Airmen and their families. If you decide to contribute and if you do not have a favorite organization or charity, I encourage you to remember the military communities where we work and live. The CFC-O also offers the tremendous opportunity to contribute locally be selecting contribution code FSYP - for Family Services and youth programs. Last year, we received more than $30,000 toward this worthy cause, all of it going right back into our communities. As our CFC-Overseas campaign begins, please remember that you already give by serving your country. You make a difference every day in the lives of millions. Your generosity never ceases to amaze this Airman. And traditionally we give even more through great programs like CFC-Overseas. Have another great week around the KMC and I am truly thankful for your sacrifice and service to our great nation!