Commentary Search

  • Deployment Journal: A somber New Year

    The midnight air was icy cold here Dec. 31, 2010, as hundreds of Italian, Spanish, American and Albanian servicemembers rung in the New Year with a crisp salute and final farewell to their fallen brother.Though most around the globe celebrated the passing year and coming of the next, we were somber

  • COMUSAFE sends holiday wishes

    Team USAFE,My wife, Betty, and I are extremely honored to join you in this wonderful Command! We're looking forward to spending our holiday season with you this year. You've done great things over the past year and I know you and your families will continue to be brilliant in 2011 ... you can't help

  • When the stork comes to call

    Watching old cartoons as a child I learned a lot of things. One of the most important things I learned is where babies come from.For years, it was a reality to me that my sisters entered my life in the loving grasp of a stork wearing a little messenger's cap (the stork also seemed to be perpetually

  • Plans change as mission unfolds

    Friday started off like any other day: wake up, get ready, make the 15-mile drive to the base and go to the gym. This particular Friday, about 10 minutes into my workout, I noticed a news ticker on CNN about the wildfires in Israel. I didn't think much of it, but thought how awful it was and

  • Real wingmen act

    Preventing sexual assault requires a culture change at the grassroots level. Applying President Harry S. Truman's "The buck stops here" motto teaches wingmen to avoid passing responsibility for action to others when witnessing sexual harassment or a situation that may lead to sexual assault.

  • We are all veterans

    "When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?" - George CanningMany of us know the story - on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, major hostilities in the Great War were formally ended when the armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany inside a

  • Energy as an operations enabler

    October is Energy Awareness Month, and the chosen theme is "New Culture: Energy as an Operations Enabler". I'm going to start off by asking you all a couple of questions. I'm sure you know the answers already.OK ... Here is your first question:How many of you as children or as you were growing up,

  • 'Candy bomber' visit reminds us of airlift's finest hour

    Retired Col. Gail Halvorsen, also known as the "Candy Bomber," is scheduled to visit the Kaiserslautern Military Community Oct. 15, 16 and 21 as part of a larger visit downrange. As part of his visit, we are honored to have him as a guest of our Air Force Ball celebrations. His attendance is made