VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- Space Delta 5 and the Combined Space Operations Center hosted a three-day Operation Olympic Defender Common Operational Picture working group, consisting of space representatives from the Australian Space Operations Centre, Canadian Space Operations Centre and United Kingdom National Space Operations Centre. Specialist from USSF Space Operations Command, headquarters USSPACECOM and MITRE also supported this founding event.
From Nov. 4-6, three members from AUSSpOC and two members from each the CANSpOC and UK NSPOC, collaborated with CSpOC representatives to review risks and mitigations, refined the concept of operation, and update the plan to develop a shared Space COP.
The working group reviewed and contributed initial requirements and identifying standards to cooperatively produce shared situation understand of the space environment. The team built on data provided by the U.S. Space Surveillance Network and utilize the existing Global Command and Control System - Joint, as the initial means of generating and displaying space track information integrated with available intelligence and environmental information, to provide the user a fused battlespace picture.
“I initiated this activity as a follow-on from the mission analysis we conducted with the Operation Olympic Defender allies and partners back in 2023, where we identified a mission essential task to generate a COP as a foundational requirement,” said Royal Australian Air Force Group Captain Julien Greening, CSpOC deputy director. “It’s essential that the OOD allies and partners have a shared understanding of the battlespace, to ensure mission impacting decision-making is based on common perceptions of what’s occurring and likely to occur in the area of responsibility .”
OOD is a key multinational effort intended to optimize space operations, improve mission assurance, enhance resilience and synchronize U.S. efforts with some of its closest allies, which now includes New Zealand, Germany and France, in addition to Australia, Canada and U.K.