RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- United States Air Forces Europe- Air Forces Africa Innovation Madness 2022, is an annual campaign where members from the command can identify processes needing improvement, problems requiring solutions, or innovations needing implemented.
Innovation Madness 2022 is sponsored by the USAFE-AFAFRICA Innovation Office and facilitated through the local wing level innovation offices at every base in the command. This campaign is the primary seedbed for all innovation ideas throughout the command. The campaign is held on the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force, Management Office supported Guardians and Airmen and Innovation Network, or GAIN, platform, allowing Airmen the opportunity to present their ideas to improve command capabilities across the spectrum of military operations. Command innovation managers, Wing Process Managers and headquarters Subject Matter Experts work together to evaluate each submission to determine the best path for potential funding and overall scalability.
There are multiple award and recognition opportunities, from the General Spencer Innovation award to the command hosted “Innovation Madness” competition. Airmen have the opportunity to highlight their ideas while simultaneously competing for funding from their respective wings/units and outside the command. Since the campaign is run on an annual basis there is no deadline for submissions.
In order to participate, members will utilize their Common Access Cards to access the GAIN website (https://gain.apps.dso.mil/topic/detail/default/46) and submit their innovative ideas for the USAFE-AFRICA Innovation Madness 2022 Campaign. Members can also reach out to their applicable Wing Process Manager or the Command Innovation Team at USAFE.A8IO.OpsInnovation@us.af.mil for more information.