501st CSW showcases abilities, learn lessons from 3 AF/CC

  • Published
  • By Capt. Brian Maguire
  • 501st Combat Support Wing Public Affairs
Airmen had the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of the 3rd Air Force commander during a lunch here May 9.

Members from the 421st and 423rd Air Base Groups heard from Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin on several subjects, ranging from the benefits of serving in the Air Force, to Warrior Virtue discussions and some challenges facing the Air Force.

"Being in the Air Force is the greatest thing, something I would not hesitate to do all over again," Franklin said.

Meeting and working with a variety of people, who were raised all over the world, is just a small piece of what the Air Force has to offer, the general said.

"If you haven't thought about making the Air Force a career, then stop and think about it," Franklin said. "This is the most rewarding job, and something I would encourage anyone to seriously consider."

Shifting topics before opening up the forum to questions, the general addressed the fiscal issues facing the U.S. government.

"Leadership will take care of you, and make sure you have the resources to do the job," Franklin said. "We want you to focus on doing the right amount of work with the right amount of people necessary to accomplish the mission."

Attacking the mentality of 'doing more with less,' the general discussed the need to abandon that concept.

"Our focus must be to do the job safely and correctly, while allowing you to take time off," Franklin said. "You deserve the time to focus on your education, your family and explore the area around your installations. We shouldn't be working 14 hour days to accomplish the same missions with fewer Airmen."

Addressing a question about Warrior Virtues discussions, Franklin said U.S. Air Forces in Europe leadership designed them to help Airmen focus on our core values.

"The core values are a bond, a common tradition that has to be the glue that holds us together," Franklin said. "It's about Airmen holding each other accountable."

Franklin went on to explain that holding Airmen accountable to our core values goes beyond the job, and should be used as a guide.

"Airmen should use our core values as a way to help us care for one another," Franklin said. "From preventing suicides, drunk driving and sexual assaults, to presenting a professional military image and being fit, all can be accomplished by following our core values."

The lunch was part of an orientation visit to the 501st Combat Support Wing. Franklin toured operations at RAF Molesworth, RAF Upwood and RAF Alconbury, while also receiving briefings concerning operations up at RAF Menwith Hill. The topics covered the various ways Airmen provide world-class combat support that enables intelligence and communications.

"At the 501st, I've seen the important work that you do here over the last two days, the critical work for America," Franklin said.