USAFE Check Six Check Six is the premier jazz band of the United States Air Forces in Europe Band. Since its inception in 1945, this 13-member jazz ensemble has been performing the best of America's original musical style throughout Europe and Southwest Asia. As the only Air Force jazz band stationed in Europe, Check Six represents the United States and its Air Force to military and civilian audiences from Ireland to Azerbaijan. They continue the distinctive musical tradition of the late Major Glenn Miller and his Army Air Forces band with the smooth Swing Era sounds of Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Dizzy Gillespie, Woody Herman, and Louis Armstrong. Their repertoire strolls down a jazz composer hall of fame--past, present, and future. Outstanding original arrangements and featured soloists are a distinctive part of this group that pleases audiences year after year. Check Six has been featured at the Montreux Jazz Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival and a host of other well-known jazz venues throughout Europe. On behalf of Headquarters USAFE they provide musical support for official Air Force functions and events of state. Their cultural outreach extends to millions through televised performances, radio broadcasts, and recordings.