USAFE Ceremonial Band The United States Air Forces in Europe Band Ceremonial Band is renowned for bringing the spirit and vibrancy of the "Air Force Blue" throughout Europe and Southwest Asia. The USAFE Ceremonial Band provides full musical honors for state arrivals at Headquarters USAFE and across the European continent. Its distinctive presence adds dignity to traditional military ceremonies such as change of commands, retirements, awards ceremonies, and memorial services. The USAFE Ceremonial Band can also be seen marching in local parades, and on the larger stages of international tattoos. As international ambassadors this ensemble has made recent historic appearances in former Eastern Block nations and performs in the individual Partner countries of the NATO Partnership for Peace program. Their repertoire includes the considerable body of American march music as well as Broadway melodies, motion picture soundtracks, and American jazz and swing standards. The Ceremonial Band has gained a reputation for excellence in more than 30 countries as an organization that thrills audiences with the distinctive blend of military precision and musical entertainment that is the USAFE Band's trademark. The Ceremonial Band steps off on the streets and parade fields across Europe before millions of spectators annually.