65th ABW's first female commander visits

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Olufemi Owolabi
  • 65th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
Some years ago when Maj. Gen. Judith A. Fedder, was stationed at Lajes Field as a colonel, she commanded the 65th Air Base Wing its first female wing commander.

Ten years later, General Fedder came full circle to visit Airmen at the wing and was the guest speaker at the annual awards ceremony held at the Top of the Rock Club Feb. 24.

General Fedder is currently the Director of Logistics, Headquarters Air Combat Command at Langley Air Force Base, Va.

"I could not wait to come back here as soon as I found out there was an opportunity to visit Lajes," General Fedder said. "Being at the annual award ceremony was quite moving because typically when I go to a base, I am just a visitor, but last night at the ceremony I really felt like I am still part of Team Lajes."

"It is a privilege to visit and see these Airmen and civilian personnel who have brought this wing to a tremendous length over the past few years," she said. "It's just very gratifying."

During her visit to the Airmen at Lajes, the general got a thorough tour of the base, provided by Col. Paul Suarez, 65 ABW vice commander.

While at Lajes, the general had the opportunity to visit various units to see Airmen performing their day-to-day mission and to personally greet some of the local nationals and US civilians who are still here since she left the base.

Following her tour, the general gave high praises to Lajes Airmen and their Portuguese counterparts.

She said the role Lajes plays in the current contingency operations is very crucial.

"Lajes is still going to remain a geographical anchor to provide support for the Air Force to get to the theatre," she said. "Lajes is going to continue to make a big difference for decades to come; it's going to remain part of our (the Air Force's) key enablers to get across the Atlantic."

One of the changes the general observed from the visit was the opportunity for Lajes to provide support for AFRICOM, a new joint command that stood up.

She said the potential for Lajes to support AFRICOM's mission is very high because of Lajes' proximity to Africa. "This is one of the emerging missions of the base," she added.

During her command of the wing after the 9/11 attacks, Lajes was providing support for OEF. Even though the general said in terms of development a lot has changed since she's been here, one thing never changed a bit - the mission.

"The mission of providing expeditionary support is still very similar to what it was back then," General Fedder said.

Another thing that hasn't changed is what the general felt in 2002 when she gave her opening statement when she took command. In her speech she said, "Team Lajes' everyday effort to meet the challenge of sustaining top-notch en-route support clearly makes expeditionary Air Power a reality."

During an interview with Lajes Defense Media Activity, the general shared stories of all the good comments she hears about Lajes from some of her ACC aircrew transiting through Lajes in and out of the area of responsibility.

As a result, General Fedder describes Lajes's roles in the expeditionary operations as "Unquestionably very critical."